2020-12-15 6:38 AM
Hello, I am trying to set up a custom PCB with multiple sensors, including the VL53L3CX. As MCU, we are using the STM32G441KBU6, which seems to be too small for the bare driver API, and we did not find any acceptable alternative to the MCU. Is it possible to use the much smaller API from the VL53L1X with the VL53L3CX?
2020-12-15 6:59 AM
Unfortunately, you cannot use the ULD API of the L1X with the L3CX sensor. Even if they have similarities, there are dead-end difference to prevent such compatibility.
Best regards
Dominique Loyer
2020-12-15 7:04 AM
The UltraLite Driver will work with the VL53L3CX, but unfortunately it does not give a very good answer. And we really don't know why.
We don't advertize that it works simply because we cannot get the accruacy numbers out if it that we state in the datasheet.
We are working on it - but not very hard.
if you are looking for a 'sort-of' type answer and you are willing to spend the time to evaluate the results and prove it's accurate for your application, then go ahaead. It is quite reliable. And you will get an answer.
if you have the L3 Evaluation kit, get the VL53L1X evaluation code and test using "Autonomous ranging". That's the mode that the ULD operates in.
Give it a try. You don't even have to write any code.
Then keep track of the accuracy at the distances you expect and see if it's good enough for you.
If it is then you win.
Download the Ultra Lite Driver, Use the STM32CubeMX to generate a valid project for your MCU, port the ULD example code into your project and you should be good to go.
Good luck,
2020-12-15 7:31 AM
Thank you for the quick answer! I do not have the evaluation kit, but I will give it a shot.
The sensors are operated in near field only (30 to 40 cm) and I suspect the acurracy wil be higher with close objects. Could you maybe give me a number what inaccuracy are we roughly taking about?
Thanks in advance,