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Why am I not getting a DR fix?



I'm currently using Teseo-VIC3DA Evaluation Board. I managed to get a 3D fix outdoors using DGPS. Afterwards, if I move indoors I get a "no fix" and I stop getting a position. Instead of this behaviour I would expect it would get into DR mode and compute the location based on the inertial unit and its sensors, which would be the correct behaviour, right? If so, do you have any suggestion to fix this behaviour?

I do not have an odometer connected to the module. Is there any procedure I should make or any configuration to be able to get a DR fix?

PS: When I record a trajectory, convert it to KML and open on Google Earth, I can see the “GNSS�? and “DR�? trajectories (they are always the same), but when I go indoors I lose both.

Best regards,

Hugo Cabrita

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Does it need to attain sensor fusion before being able to report DR solutions?

C​heck the expectations for fusion/calibration and meet those.

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Shouldn't it be able to compute a DR solution out-of-the-box? I currently do not have access to the DR panel as I do not have an activation key at the moment. Is that panel needed in order to configure DR?