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LIV4F firmware update protocol




We're attempting to update the LIV4F firmware via the UART interface from an embedded device, however, we're unable to replicate the steps documented in UM3009.

Our code works up until the the baud rate configuration step in Figure 2, after which communication from the unit fails. Is there any additional documentation on the LIV4 firmware protocol or reference code? We found an example for the LIV3F but the process in the code differs substantially from what's in the LIV3F manual.

We also noted that the LIV4 module only returns the code 0x98 0x83, rather than the TESEO_FLASHER_SYNC code 0x83984073 documented in the manual. We do receive the ACK code after the DEVICE_START_COMMUNICATION code. Not sure if this is an expected change or if it is an indication that something is wrong.


I also found Quectel documentation for what appears to be the LIV3 upgrade process in the example code, and it show the baud rate being set in the binary image options data block. Is this still the case for the LIV4F? If so is there any documentation on which parameter/values specifies the baud rate for the LIV4F?


