2021-01-11 3:04 PM
Hi, what is the function of this command?, the L26-DR GNSS Protocol Specification says “Input map match data�? but I don’t know when could be useful
2021-01-11 3:44 PM
To establish the speed/location into the DR/IMU at some known starting point. Could be stationary if you want to clear sensor drift.
For example outside an ambulance barn, exiting a parking garage, or a pit box with known location.
2021-01-11 11:34 PM
MMFB stands for Map Matching FeedBack.
It can be used when the platform take data from a Map provider (i.e.: TomTom Map or other....) this map-information can be provided to the TeseoIII to improve the accuracy.
2021-01-14 10:39 AM
And when should I send a validity flag as valid or not valid?
2021-01-14 11:08 PM
Sorry but this isn't a Quectel customer support.
2021-01-15 12:27 AM
Sorry, as this is a ST command I thought I could post this question here, thanks