2019-01-21 11:09 AM
Hi, I have tons of question about the command $PSTMSETPAR and some related command:
First of all, I would like to change the NMEA Baudrate to 38400, as the software manual said, I should transfer
and NMEA gives me the result (no comma due to the way I'm processing the string):
as the manual says, I should reset the system, so I've enter the command "$PSTMRR", and it returns "$GPTXT DEFAULT LIV CONFIGURATION*2B". But when I change my Baudrate from 9600 to 38400, I got scribbled message, only when I change back to 9600 will the message be shown properly. However, after I unpowered my stm32 and power it again, I ""sometime"" find it changes its Baudrate to 38400, vice versa. So here are my questions:
Next, I would like TESEO LIV3F to send to me only some certain message, say, $GPGGA, to do so, I need to use the command $PSTMCFGMSGL, and here is my next group of questions:
I can't understand, from the software manual of Teseo-LIV3F, the syntax of $PSTMCFGMSGL is <listid>,<rate>,
<list_l>,<list_h>*<checksum><cr><lf>, where listid can only be 0 or 1, I don't even know what listid 1 is since I can't
find the CBD_ID 210 and 229 relevant to msg list in the user manual, not to mention the value 3 in the example
above, also, I don't know what does "rate" here mean.
2. After reconfigure the message list by the command "$PSTMCFGMSGL,0,1,0,0" and "$PSTMSAVEPAR", nothing
changed, I'm expecting this since the Baudrate doesn't change immediately, as well. When I request the
message via command $PSTMNMEAREQUEST,100000,0 (GPGLL), I didn't get what I expected, instead, I get this
Which is totally different from the application note, and I don't know what to do, the manual is rather confusing to me.
Any advice would be great, since I'm literally having hard time getting this module to work. Thank you.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-01-25 1:16 AM
> we should append checksum and cr, lf at the end of the string
Yes. correct.
> which has the wrong checksum, what is happening?
Really strange. I tryed all the commads and they work on my side.
Could you check your code?
Do you want share?
Just a note (sorry I forgot to say) but the whole C-Driver for Teseo-LIV3F is already online @
in the package you will find binary for STM32 and all the C-Code. May be it could help your development.
2019-01-22 12:11 AM
To change NMEA baudrate you can use the following script:
You can perform a software reset using the commands "$PSTMSRR" or an hardware reset toggling the pins Teseo-LIV3F.nReset (pins Connector-9_pin-8 on the X-Nucleo-GNSS1A1)
> I would like TESEO LIV3F to send to me only some certain message
I2C anc UART ports have separated message-list.
To change the UART-message-list you can use the following scripts:
Let me know if this helps.
2019-01-24 12:27 AM
Hi, thanks for your response
First of all
What I expected: As soon as I do the software reset, the baudrate of NMEA should be the new one.
What turns out to be: The baudrate of NMEA doesn't change since changing the USART baudrate to the new one result in scribbled message, but is normal when change to original baudrate
Additional question: what does '2' mean here? According to the manual, I see the first param is portnumb (UART GPIO ID), what ID?
What I expected: As soon as the software reset, I should receive nothing
What turns out to be: The message keeps printing as if nothing happened.
2019-01-24 1:04 AM
> $PSTMCFGPORT,0,0,2,0x5
It should be:
to restore the default setting
> what does '2' mean here?
Teseo-III has several UART port (The UART-2 is the one available on the module).
> What I expected: As soon as the software reset, I should receive nothing
Just tested and working on my side.
The periodic messages are no more sent from the module.
Could you check?
2019-01-24 3:53 AM
Hi, thanks for your immediate response
What I expected: The baudrate should be changed after software reset
What turns out to be: The baudrate doesn't change
It turns out that the command works. It seems like the reason is that I send "$PSTMSRR" instead of "$PSTMSRR\r\n", and I'm not sure if this is the cause, but once I take way the cr and lf, the setup doesn't change, and it works if the line contains cr and lf.
2019-01-24 4:22 AM
the scripts is correct. (just tested on my side)
Do you receive the 'OK' respond messages (i.e: $PSTMCFGPORTOK*45 and $PSTMSAVEPAROK*5C)
Moreover take into account they are NMEA message this means the correct syntax is:
$COMMAND, PARAMS,...*<checksum><cr><lf>
Therefore the scripts has to be:
Teseo-Suite (if you are using it) internally appends "*<checksum><cr><lf>" on each commands
Let me know if this helps.
2019-01-25 12:17 AM
Hi, the problem still persists
There are few questions I want to ask:
2019-01-25 1:16 AM
> we should append checksum and cr, lf at the end of the string
Yes. correct.
> which has the wrong checksum, what is happening?
Really strange. I tryed all the commads and they work on my side.
Could you check your code?
Do you want share?
Just a note (sorry I forgot to say) but the whole C-Driver for Teseo-LIV3F is already online @
in the package you will find binary for STM32 and all the C-Code. May be it could help your development.
2019-01-25 8:24 AM
Hi, I've checked my code, and there is some subtle mistake, resulting in the wrong checksum. Even though it works fine in online compiler.
Thank you really much, really appreciate it.