2019-12-29 11:29 PM
I am working with Teseo-Liv3F to test NMEA0183 strings over BLSP UART 12 on my board.
To test the antenna used is : FR-01-S4-224 ,also gpsmon application and gpsd daemon .
I am unable to get location fixed , only empty strings are coming.
Is there any info about ways to check firmware file is updated, or to flash the binary on the Teseo-Liv3F module ?
Thanks in advance.
2020-02-06 12:08 AM
> Is there a Linux variant of the Teseo-Suite application ??
No . there isn't any Linux variant.
In any case the standard NMEA message (GPGGA... GPGLL etc... ) should be parsed by gpsd standard linux program.
> Since in my case the UART port from module is linked to processor without having output FTDI onnection.
both the board EVB-LIV3F and X-Nucleo-GNSS1A1 provide I2C port access to the LIV.
On the I2C port LIV3F proves the same NMEA stream available on the UART.
Hope this helps
2020-02-06 1:37 AM
Yes, I opt to test it over UART and the log file from Teseo-Suite is :
[06-02-2020 14:53:40] INFO APPLICATION MAIN Application starts with no args
[06-02-2020 14:53:40] INFO MANAGER VERSION Product : TeseoSuite
[06-02-2020 14:53:40] WARNING MANAGER VERSION Platform and build number unknown
[06-02-2020 14:53:44] INFO MANAGER SERIAL_PORT Port COM25 - not data received
[06-02-2020 14:53:44] WARNING FORM MAIN Automatic port detection failed
[06-02-2020 14:55:12] INFO SYSTEM NMEA_SETTINGS Load NMEA configuration file : C:\Users\yash.j\AppData\Local\STMicroelectronics\Teseo_Suite\NMEA_Payload\STA8089_8090\ConfigPayloadNMEA.xml
[06-02-2020 14:55:12] INFO SYSTEM NMEA_SETTINGS Load output NMEA configuration file : C:\Users\yash.j\AppData\Local\STMicroelectronics\Teseo_Suite\NMEA_Payload\STA8089_8090\ConfigPayloadOutputNMEA.xml
[06-02-2020 14:55:12] INFO MANAGER VERSION Product : DRLIB
[06-02-2020 14:55:12] INFO FORM SESSION Session Name:[test], Add Device:[STA8090_v4.5.1_D1], DebugPort:[COM25,9600,8,None,One,1000]
[06-02-2020 14:55:22] INFO MANAGER SERIAL_PORT Serial port COM25 input buffer size: 600 bytes
[06-02-2020 14:55:22] INFO MANAGER DEVICE Open Port:[Debug] on device [STA8090_v4.5.1_D1]
[06-02-2020 14:55:22] INFO MANAGER DEVICE Start read debug thread on device [STA8090_v4.5.1_D1]
[06-02-2020 14:56:19] INFO MANAGER DEVICE Close Port:[Debug] on device [STA8090_v4.5.1_D1]
[06-02-2020 14:56:47] INFO SYSTEM NMEA_SETTINGS Load NMEA configuration file : C:\Users\yash.j\AppData\Local\STMicroelectronics\Teseo_Suite\NMEA_Payload\STA8089_8090\ConfigPayloadNMEA.xml
[06-02-2020 14:56:47] INFO SYSTEM NMEA_SETTINGS Load output NMEA configuration file : C:\Users\yash.j\AppData\Local\STMicroelectronics\Teseo_Suite\NMEA_Payload\STA8089_8090\ConfigPayloadOutputNMEA.xml
[06-02-2020 14:56:47] INFO MANAGER VERSION Product : DRLIB
[06-02-2020 14:56:47] INFO SYSTEM NMEA_SETTINGS Load NMEA configuration file : C:\Users\yash.j\AppData\Local\STMicroelectronics\Teseo_Suite\NMEA_Payload\STA8089_8090\ConfigPayloadNMEA.xml
In the NMEA decoding window:
On sending $PSTMGETPAR
The system didnt print any logs
Is there anything basic I'm might be missing ?
2020-02-06 2:06 AM
> [STA8090_v4.5.1_D1], DebugPort:[COM25,9600,8,None,One,1000]
Sorry but you have to configure and enable the 'Ctrl port'
You can follow the presentation @ https://www.st.com/resource/en/product_presentation/evb-liv3f-presentation.pdf
2020-02-19 11:02 PM
I have got the UART port working, it was issue with the PIN assignment.
I am finally getting UART prints from : tio /dev/ttyMSM3
Is there any existing application/method to parse the values coming from UART, so that I could print Latitude & Longitude values from the GPGLL/GPGSA values printed constantly.
2020-02-19 11:24 PM
ST doesn't provide any Linux application.
But on internet there is available GPSD program which could fit your needs: https://gpsd.gitlab.io/gpsd/index.html
2020-02-20 10:34 PM
Hi @Francesco Virlinzi
I am testing with gpsmon application, getting wrong latitude and longitude values(tried almost for 20mins). Is any tuning/calibration required for this GPS module? If tuning required please let us know the procedure to do the same.
2020-02-21 12:08 AM
Looking the $GPGLL message... in this message the position is reported... all the fields are zeroed.
The module is not evaluating any Position.
More probably you have some problem with antenna.
I assume you are testing outdoor. Is it?