2019-12-01 3:06 AM
I am trying to bringup a new platform with TeseoIII.
I manage to flash the firmware, erase etc. However, when using Teseo-Suite, i can see 1-2-3 satellites recognized and a short few seconds after being visible on the Signal level window, they disappear.
Are you familiar with this behavior? What could be the cause?
2019-12-01 6:10 AM
Found root-cause.
A small 0201 size ferrite-bead was used in series to VINL1 power input. This caused a drop in 1.8V supply when GNSS engine started to work towards a fix, this probably caused the internal engine to reset.
Replaced the bead with 0 ohm. Issue resolved.
2019-12-02 12:14 AM
Less work for me ;)
For any question feel free to ask.
If you can could you share some info on your TeseoIII project (you can write me directly francesco.virlinzi@st.com)