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Having "fun" with Khoros editor failures

The "member callout bubble" remained stuck even after having made the post i.e. editor pane closed. It overlaps the post and scrolls together with it.



Oh yes, reload "fixes" it, but ain't it a hillarious fail?



Hi @waclawek.jan 

Thanks for your feedback, we are investigating this issue.


Hi @waclawek.jan ,

Unfortunately we were unable to replicate this issue. Please let us know if you experience it again.


Hi @Community Assistance Team ,

> Please let us know if you experience it again.

And then happens what?


Hi @waclawek.jan ,

We will investigate it again.


@Community Assistance Team,

Here you are:




For the love of god we need to get the User Call out to work effectively for 60000 users, not fking 6 !!!

There's no scroll, there's no wild card, it's almost entirely useless. It matches stuff not typed, and it's very difficult to get the exact sequences to find users you know are in the system but unsure of exact spelling or punctuation..

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Perhaps it is Browser or System related?

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I get odd caching update behaviour. I type "lina d" I get 5 bad guesses, I type "lina da" I find the user I want, then subsequent start with "lina d" comes up with the right suggestion. Initial typing of AT gets me a list of posters more localized to the thread, and while this makes some sense, pulling in other more experienced or specific users is appropriate to get eyes/attention on a thread.

I do find this all a bit hit-and-miss, and gravely limiting for a forum exceeding 60,000 users, and trying to narrow with the first 3 characters. I need this to be a lot smarter and more intuitive. Instead I've got a solution that misses the mark by four orders of magnitude in terms of scaling to problem.

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@waclawek.jan not meaning to hijack thread, but the code or JavaScript nonsense behind the dialog and page rendering needs a good review and understanding. Hopefully by focusing resources on blatant failings in this area of Khoros' implementation we can get resolution of multiple issues.

Also perhaps the slowness and kitchen-sink approach of the editor dialog, which takes forever to load and come ready enough for me to type content.

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