2019-10-14 3:17 AM
I am evaluating the MCL on LSM6DSOX. I am using a custom board, not the official motherboard, so Unico cannot communicate with my hardward to upload the configuration to the chip. I think I need to do the configuration manually
(basing on Weka decision tree .txt file from manually generated .ARFF files) but I stucked...
Anyone succeeded the configuration manually because I found no documentation on this? Could you please kindly give me some instructions on this? About how to change registers properly, which registers should be changed etc... I am reading the datasheet and application notes from ST but I am still much confused ...
Thank you very much.
2019-10-15 5:58 AM
Hi @Tam Tran , we usually suggest users not to create an .arff file with tools different from Unico. What our experts suggest you is to try to follow these steps:
Btw, you can check if these online-available already trained MLCs are ok for your immediate purpose.
2019-10-16 8:42 AM
Thank you very much for your answer,
I ordered STEVAL-MKI197V1 and STEVAL-MKI109V3 and are waiting for their arrival to learn about Unico-like format datalogs.
Moreover, for many reasons, for a medical application, we are going to need a process which is transparent, well documented and can be validated. We would like to talk about a collaboration with ST, focusing on machine learning core. Could we contact you directly with a more detailed questions, rather than through the forum? We would then like to explain better what we are working on.
2019-10-21 8:39 AM
Hi @Tam Tran , the application you are targeting seems interesting. We have some libraries related to HAR (human activity recognition), and if you are interested i can suggest some online documentation (UM2524, UM2193). Which is your target market, in more detail? You can answer me with a private message. Please note also that you can receive support from our distributors, if needed. Regards
2019-10-22 5:40 AM
Thank you very much. Message sent.