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Did you mean: #10: main firmware function pack explained - overview

ST Employee

The purpose of the FP-SNS-STBOX1, which is the main functional pack (FP) dedicated to the, is to provide examples that show how to build custom applications for the Pro Mode at a FW level. Its flexibility allows the ease portability of this FP across different STM32 microcontrollers, so that you can build your customized app not starting from scratch.

The available pro-mode applications, a couple of which will be explained in the near future posts, are:

  • BLEFOTA: uses ultra-low power implementation based on an RTOS for transmitting the data via BLE connectivity;
  • BLELowPower: creates a BootLoader and an application for Firmware-Over-the-Air (FOTA) update;
  • BLEMLC: programs the LSM6DSOX machine learning core for activity recognition or vibration monitoring and transmits the results via BLE;
  • BLESensors: transmits sensor data in the simplest way for BLE trasmission;
  • DataLog: saves the sensor data to the SD card (with FreeRTOS).

Together with these applications, there are also a couple of examples that involves other platforms:

  • BootLoader: enables you to update the code;
  • DataLogExtended: enables you to send data via USB and visualize the sensor data with Unicleo-GUI
ST Employee


Check your post: swap the description of BLEFOTA and BLELowPower. Highlight that the Bootloader example is to be used with BLEFOTA application, and highlight that BLEFOTA application is using the Bootloader. The other example, DataLogExtended, does not involve another platform but another SW tool (Unicleo) and it enables real-time interaction similar to what the ST BLE Sensor app enables.