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INTERNAL ERROR: Mismatch in input shape of gemm: (BATCH: 1, CH: 12, H: 8) x (BATCH: 1, CH: 8, H: 12)


I am trying to deploy a pytorch deep learning to stm32. I first converted it to an onnx model and after that verified it in STM32Cube.AI Developer Cloud and in the middle step of optimize it reported the following error.

stm32ai analyze --model trans_model_8.onnx --allocate-inputs --allocate-outputs --compression none --optimization balanced --target stm32f4 --name network --workspace workspace --output output STEdgeAI Core v9.0.0-19802 INTERNAL ERROR: Mismatch in input shape of gemm: (BATCH: 1, CH : 12, H: 8 ) x (BATCH: 1, CH: 8, H: 12)

When I look at the model visualization in netron I see that the gemm operation is only present in the last linear layer, but that operation is converting 1x702 data to 1x2. I don't know if there's something I'm missing.Would be great if you could assist me in resolving this issue.

Thank you!

ST Employee

Please share your model.

Also it maybe worth trying with onnx 1.15 (not a more recent one) to see if you have the same issue.

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I've tried using the onnx15 version, but it still doesn't work. Here is my model, thank you very much for your help.