2022-11-23 03:57 AM
I am trying to implement hello world application for mcu but I have I have a card other than the suggested card (the card I have NUCLEO U575ZI Q AT2) I'm trying to do it using Cube.al, but I can't get a complete result and the errors I get are from the files created by cube.al in the platform h file. What can I do about it? and how to perform motion detection on STM32L4 IoTnode? I read the article and wanted to try it, but in the requirements section of the article, a different nucleo card is suggested than the one I have. Can I directly implement this project on my own card by following the steps in the article? If I can't, what changes and configurations do I need to make?
2023-01-06 08:44 AM
Hello @Nur ÃZã¶Ren and welcome to the community,
You can refer to these links:
You can refer to one of the illustrated example based on any other STM32 MCUs andtry to integrate it in your project.
Mohamed Aymen
2023-01-15 09:25 PM
@Nur ÃZã¶Ren , the NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q board doesn't have any accelerator to perform the motion sensing. You need a discovery board that has accelerator, like the B-L475E-IOT01A Discovery kit mentioned in this wiki: https://wiki.st.com/stm32mcu/wiki/AI:How_to_perform_motion_sensing_on_STM32L4_IoTnode