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How can I write the process of receiving barcode information from UART2 channel and sending it from UART1 channel in c language I am working with stm32l562
How do I measure the time between the rising edge and falling edge of a square wave
* Initialize the LSM6DSL sensor */ LSM6DSL_Init(&MotionSensor); /* Configure the LSM6DSL accelerometer (ODR, scale and interrupt) */ LSM6DSL_ACC_SetOutputDataRate(&MotionSensor, 26.0f); /* 26 Hz */ LSM6DSL_ACC_SetFullScale(&MotionSensor, 4); ...
I am trying to implement hello world application for microcontrollers but I have I have a card other than the suggested card (the card I have NUCLEO U575ZI Q AT2) I'm trying to do it using, but I can't get a complete result and the errors I g...
I am trying to implement hello world application for mcu but I have I have a card other than the suggested card (the card I have NUCLEO U575ZI Q AT2) I'm trying to do it using, but I can't get a complete result and the errors I get are from t...