2022-06-30 10:26 PM
I created my own model and tried to import it into the STM32L476 MCU.
When I execute the ai_network_run( ) function, I got the hard fault interrupt.
Here is the function below.
( I refered the code from here :
static void AI_Run(float *pIn, float *pOut)
ai_i32 batch;
ai_error err;
/* Update IO handlers with the data payload */
ai_input[0].data = AI_HANDLE_PTR(pIn);
ai_output[0].data = AI_HANDLE_PTR(pOut);
batch = ai_network_run(network, ai_input, ai_output);
if (batch != 1)
err = ai_network_get_error(network);
printf("AI ai_network_run error - type=%d code=%d\r\n", err.type, err.code);
I have checked the 'ai_input' and 'ai_output' values and they all pointed well.
Here is the main loop.
while (1)
AccelReadValues(0x32, 6);
x = ((AccelData[1] << 8) | AccelData[0]);
y = ((AccelData[3] << 8) | AccelData[2]);
z = ((AccelData[5] << 8) | AccelData[4]);
ACC_Value_Raw.AccX = (x * .039);
ACC_Value_Raw.AccY = (y * .039);
ACC_Value_Raw.AccZ = (z * .039);
aiInData[write_index++] = ACC_Value_Raw.AccX;
aiInData[write_index++] = ACC_Value_Raw.AccY;
aiInData[write_index++] = ACC_Value_Raw.AccZ;
// AI_NETWORK_IN_1_SIZE = (24 * 3 * 1)
if (write_index >= AI_NETWORK_IN_1_SIZE)
printf("Running inference\r\n");
AI_Run(aiInData, aiOutData);
/* Output results */
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < AI_NETWORK_OUT_1_SIZE; i++)
printf("%8.6f ", aiOutData[i]);
uint32_t class = argmax(aiOutData, AI_NETWORK_OUT_1_SIZE);
printf(": %d - %s\r\n", (int) class, activities[class]);
write_index = 0;
I read the X, Y, and Z of the accelerometer sensor data.
Do you have any ideas on how I could handle this situation?
2022-07-02 01:54 AM
Your code looks good to me. Which version of X-CUBE-AI are you running, the 7.1 ?
Best Regards,
2022-07-03 01:29 AM
Yes, I am using v7.1.
And I used Keras 2.6.0 when I made my model.
SangMin Kim
2022-07-04 06:31 AM
Have you configured & enabled CRC ( __HAL_RCC_CRC_CLK_ENABLE();)?
Best regards,
2022-07-04 05:31 PM
Yes I did,
Please check my main.c file
/* USER CODE END Header */
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "main.h"
#include "app_x-cube-ai.h"
#include "ai_platform.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "network_data.h"
/* accelerometer module address*/
#define adxl_address 0x53<<1
typedef struct
float AccX; /* acc x axes [g] */
float AccY; /* acc y axes [g] */
float AccZ; /* acc z axes [g] */
} DATA_input_t;
CRC_HandleTypeDef hcrc;
I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c1;
UART_HandleTypeDef huart2;
uint8_t AccelData[6];
uint8_t chipid = 0;
int16_t x, y, z;
static DATA_input_t ACC_Value_Raw;
const char* activities[AI_NETWORK_OUT_1_SIZE] = {
"0V", "2V", "4V", "3V"
ai_handle network;
float aiInData[AI_NETWORK_IN_1_SIZE];
float aiOutData[AI_NETWORK_OUT_1_SIZE];
ai_buffer * ai_input;
ai_buffer * ai_output;
void SystemClock_Config(void);
static void MX_GPIO_Init(void);
static void MX_CRC_Init(void);
static void MX_I2C1_Init(void);
void MX_USART2_UART_Init(void);
static void AI_Init(void);
static void AI_Run(float *pIn, float *pOut);
static uint32_t argmax(const float * values, uint32_t len);
/* Write the value into corresponding register address*/
void AccelWrite (uint8_t reg, uint8_t value)
uint8_t data[2];
data[0] = reg;
data[1] = value;
HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, adxl_address, data, 2, 100);
/* Read the values from corresponding register address*/
void AccelReadValues (uint8_t reg, uint8_t numberofbytes)
HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(&hi2c1, adxl_address, reg, 1, (uint8_t *) AccelData,
numberofbytes, 100);
/*Read the address of chip */
void AccelReadAddress(uint8_t reg)
HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(&hi2c1, adxl_address, reg, 1, &chipid, 1, 100);
void AccelInit(void)
AccelReadValues(0x00, 1);
AccelWrite(0x2d, 0x00); // reset all bits
AccelWrite(0x2d, 0x08); // power_cntl measure and wake up 8hz*/
AccelWrite(0x31, 0x00); // data_format range= +- 2g
int main(void)
uint32_t write_index = 0;
while (1)
AccelReadValues(0x32, 6);
x = ((AccelData[1] << 8) | AccelData[0]);
y = ((AccelData[3] << 8) | AccelData[2]);
z = ((AccelData[5] << 8) | AccelData[4]);
ACC_Value_Raw.AccX = (x * .039);
ACC_Value_Raw.AccY = (y * .039);
ACC_Value_Raw.AccZ = (z * .039);
aiInData[write_index++] = ACC_Value_Raw.AccX;
aiInData[write_index++] = ACC_Value_Raw.AccY;
aiInData[write_index++] = ACC_Value_Raw.AccZ;
if (write_index >= AI_NETWORK_IN_1_SIZE)
AI_Run(aiInData, aiOutData);
/* Output results */
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < AI_NETWORK_OUT_1_SIZE; i++)
printf("%8.6f ", aiOutData[i]);
uint32_t class = argmax(aiOutData, AI_NETWORK_OUT_1_SIZE);
printf(": %d - %s\r\n", (int) class, activities[class]);
write_index = 0;
2022-07-05 12:30 AM
All looks good to me ,
may be another hint : did you try to increase the stack size even more ?
2022-07-05 04:47 PM
Yes, I increased the stack size from 0x800 to 0x8000.
I am using the Nucleo-L476RG board now,
2022-07-06 01:23 AM
Last thing we could check is your AI_Init() function. Which MEMS Nucleo shield are you using ?
2022-07-06 05:10 PM
I am not using the MEMS Nucleo shield.
I am using the ADXL345 sensor module.
I connected it with my Nucleo Board via I2C.
2022-07-07 12:47 PM
I checked again the WiKi example which is working fine. Can you share your AI_Init function ?