11:23 AM
- edited on
9:29 AM
The following Boolean operators can be used to include or exclude search terms in the search box of ST community:
Wildcard searches allow finding single terms that differ by one character or the same string of characters (this does not apply for phrase queries).
Quotations should be used for phrases only (starting with 2 words), and not single words. They allow members to search for an "exact phrase".
Related article: How to search - STMicroelectronics Community
> Related article: How to search - STMicroelectronics Community
That article appears under FAQs/Searching, but it does not link to this "advanced" post. Consider listing this post under "FAQs/Searching" as well.
I also remind those who come here that they can use any major search engine to perform a search which is limited to this website. This allows you to take advantage of any query language features they offer (it's well worth seeking out the docs for those). All you need to do is include the (standard) "site:https://community.st.com/" operator in the search query.
For example:
The AND operator checks for all defined terms in the text of a single content. To search for content with both “Flash” and “MCU” terms, use the query: Flash AND MCU. The search engine also runs this type of query with the && symbol: Flash && MCU.
Okay, so
should result in the same as if I replace AND by &&, right?
which is obviously a different result.
Now I'm a seasoned user of crappy products, so I quickly realized that:
Nonetheless, it's a bug (BUG #1).
But what's a worse bug is, that the search does not work at all: in the second result, there is no occurence of "STM32F410" nor of "DAC". (BUG #2).
@BarryWhit , thanks for the note. The article is now part of the How to search - STMicroelectronics Community too.
@waclawek.jan , thanks for sharing your findings. Let me know look into this and get back.
Hello @waclawek.jan ,
The first issue highlighted that AND and && do not return the same results - we confirmed this behavior and is currently with support team under investigation.
Regarding the second issue that search does not work because there is no occurrence of "STM32F410" nor of "DAC", both words appear in the Silica_Friday.pdf file attached to this post, hence search is working correctly:
We will get back to this topic once there is an update.
Thanks for your cooperation here.
> both words appear in the Silica_Friday.pdf file attached
Oh, that explains it indeed. I wouldn't expect that...
Hi @waclawek.jan ,
The && operator should be used without spaces between terms. We've updated the guide with this information and appreciate you bringing it to our attention.
Hi Adam,
> The && operator should be used without spaces between terms.
What? Why?
This is an extraordinarily weird and entirely illogical requirement. And, as such, I still consider it to be a bug.