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Watchdog after WD reset


After the watchdog does a reset and the watchdog is enabled after the reset the watchdog will not cause a reset. The watchdog is enabled and not getting serviced but a reset is not occurring. What has to be done to get the watchdog working again?

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ST Employee


if you had a first RESET due to the watchdog, it means it was well programmed and the IP worked as expected.

Is the SWT programmed the same manner after the RESET ?

Which SPC5 MCU/board do you use ?

Did you try the corresponding SWT demo from SPC5Studio tool ? (eg "SPC582Bxx_RLA SWT Test Application for Discovery")


When I was first running the program the watchdog was hitting the first time. After the first watchdog reset the watchdog would not cause a reset. After a while, running the same code, the watchdog would not set even the first time. I tried the "SPC582Bxx_RLA SWT Test Application for Discovery" code and it had the same behavior. The watchdog would set once then not set again. Shahrukh ASHRAF ( who I contacted tried and had the same behavior. I am using SPC58NG-DISP board. Craig Gilmore Sent from Mail<> for Windows


I saw your issue is managed by ST support by Shahrukh who has already reproduced.

I let you with him.

Best regards,
