Hello Arash,each Family (SPC56, 57, 58) and each MCU (56D, 56P, 58EC ...) can have a different driver sample code.When you use SPC5Studio to create or import a project for a particular MCU, the imported sample code should be in line with the particul...
Dear Arash,in your project :"SPC56ELxx_RLA DSPI Test Application for DiscoveryPlus"you have a GPIO configured in OUPTUT to blink a LED:it can be easily configured using the pinmap editor:then in your main function you have the code to call gpio drive...
Dear Customer,Tesla DeLorean is probably right.You probably included as link a folder that is for windows, and not for gcc.You can see that your compilation is withour errors nor warnings.this means your makefile/toolchain is based on right includeBu...
Hello,to resolve includes in SPC5Studio, right click on your project and select properties:go in menu C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols,Source Location, click on Link Folder:select your needed include folder and click "OK", then click "apply and close...