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SR5E1E7 DCF programming


Hi !

We are using an SR5E1E7. We want to put it as LockStep (both core and dma).
So we have to setup the register 'Global System Configuration' / SYS_CFG_REG.
We seen that we need to use the DCF.

Do you have any example / file to setup this mcu like this ? We couldn't find any document on the web, execpt the MPC5xxx DCF configuration from NXP.

Here some question we had:
- How can we calculate this ? Have you any DCF configurator xsl like NXP are doing ?
- To set the Cores as Lock Step and the DMA as Lock Step, we need to only write to the 'Core Enable and LS
Configuration' of the DCF ? With the value being the one we want in the 'Global System Configuration DCF' with the exact same mapping. '0b00000000000000010000000100000011' in our case, all core enabled and all lock step set

- Does this step can be done at runtime ? By directly addressing the adr 0x1FF80398 ?
- Or is this only accessible during JTAG programming ? So we can create the dcf_map in a specific .dcf section that will be flash using openocd to the right section ?

We are a little bit confused on how to do this, If you could gave us some hint or redirect us to the right example that would be nice.

Thanks in advance,