2018-03-23 1:21 AM
I don't think I have a timer enabled. I don't see the WDT setting in the outline, but in the configuration.xml it is disabled. Most importantly clock_cfg.h is generated as '#define SPC5_DISABLE_WATCHDOG TRUE'.
However, almost randomly, I am getting an IVOR12 interrupt:
PC 0x00000380
CR 0x44000004
LR 0x00002D78
CTR 0x0
That said, the system runs for ten minutes, one minute, or five, then hangs up in IVOR12. The only driver I am using is the serial drivers, and may there is an issue there? It even triggers the ivor when degugging, which I thought the WDT was disabled for debugging as well.
2018-03-23 1:56 AM
Hello Matthew ,
The watchdog is disabled on SWT IP but not in e200 Core (HW WD)
/* SWT disabled.*/
SWT.SR.R = 0xC520;
SWT.SR.R = 0xD928;
SWT.CR.R = 0xFF00000AU;
About IVOR12,
the HW Watchdog is enabled by mtMSR (cf boot.s)
* MSR default settings.
(cf chapter e200z4 document)
Best regards
2018-03-25 1:33 AM
This one took me a while to troubleshoot. The unit will literally run for hours without crashing, then sometimes only five minutes and crash without changing any code.
I think the issue has something to do with serial_dll. Our program has a PIT that runs at 50Hz. The PIT handler is used as an interrupt that periodically loads data onto an RS-232 port. I've boiled down a program that runs, verse one that eventually crashes.
NOTE: I feel like this is *not* a IVOR12 issue, as sometimes the IVOR4 and IVOR1 are
triggered. I think this issue is related to interrupts, most notably -osalEnterCritical(); which is called in sd_lld_write();
This program crashes periodically (very simplified version for investigation purposes):
int main(void)
{ componentsInit();irqIsrEnable();
sd_lld_start(&SD1, NULL); // baud 19277
pit_lld_start(&PITD, pit_config); // 50Hz pit_lld_channel_start(&PITD, 2U);for ( ; ; )
{ }}
uint8_t message[]= 'Hello World!\r\n';
// PIT
@50Hz void low_speed_PIT(void){ sd_lld_write(&SD1,message,(uint16_t)(sizeof(message)/sizeof(message[0])));}>>>
This program runs perfectly
(note that sd_lld is not called within PIT):<<<
int main(void)
{ componentsInit();irqIsrEnable();
sd_lld_start(&SD1, NULL);
// baud
for ( ; ; )
The issue seems (not obviously) related to putting serial data inside a PIT. I am guessing that this is a
priority issue. Is this an uncommon practice? I think it is corrupting the interrupt scheme somehow.Cheers,
2018-03-27 3:26 AM
Hello Matthew ,
According to your description,
Your issue seems to be a coredump issue or a stack overflow issue.
A stack overflow could generate a watchdog or a memory corruption
could you check the state of your stack (cf memory windows) during the IVOR1 ?
it should be located between __process_stack_base__ and __process_stack_end__
.core0_stacks : ALIGN(16) SUBALIGN(16)
. = ALIGN(8);
__irq_stack_base__ = .;
. += __irq_stack_size__;
. = ALIGN(8);
__irq_stack_end__ = .;
__process_stack_base__ = .;
__main_thread_stack_base__ = .;
. += __process_stack_size__;
. = ALIGN(8);
__process_stack_end__ = .;
__main_thread_stack_end__ = .;
} > ram�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?
Could you increase the Core 0 Process Stack size in order to check the issue is happennign again ?
Best regards
2018-03-27 11:17 AM
I think it is a stack-overflow issue of some kind. I am still investigating, and will get back to this issue. Many thanks Erwan.