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SPC5 Studio v6.0 - warning/issue "Type 'uint32_t' could not be resolved

Associate II

I have installed SPC5 Studio version 6.0 on my Windows 10 PC and compiled sample code.

When compiling the project , i got below warning/issue "Type 'uint32_t' could not be resolved"

Q1: Can you give the solution for this?

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Accepted Solutions
Erwan YVIN
ST Employee

Hello Rthan ,

it is a preprocessor configuration issue.

You should configure CDT in order to pick stdint.h.

it is located in c:\SPC5Studio-6.0\eclipse\plugins\\toolchain\

Best Regards


View solution in original post


Need to include a file that defines the type or do so yourself.


Should be in stdint.h shouldn't it?


Check what include trees you pull in via config files, etc.

Check the Include Paths and ordering the compiler is using.​

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Thankyou for the quick response, I am new to SPC5 studio, so i am not aware of this much.

Pls find the attached screenshot for analyzing/understanding the issue in detail.

Pls give your input about this issue

Erwan YVIN
ST Employee

Hello Rthan ,

it is a preprocessor configuration issue.

You should configure CDT in order to pick stdint.h.

it is located in c:\SPC5Studio-6.0\eclipse\plugins\\toolchain\

Best Regards


Hi Erwan,

Thanks for your response.

I understands that it is preprocessor issue.

Can you guide me that what is CDT ? and how can i configure this on my project?

Hi Erwan,

The above screenshot shows the property screen of the project.

Is CDT equal to PATH in above screen? or Guide me the procedure to CDT configuration?


Hi, i am newbee too, but i have solve 'uint32_t, 'uint16_t' 'uint8_t doing:

Right click on SPC5XXXXXTestApplication ->Properties

Under C/C++ General->Path and Symbols

Selec Tab Includes, then GNU C->Add..

write C:\SPC5Studio-6.0\eclipse\plugins\\toolchain\include

I hope help somebody

Associate III

Hi PChia.2237

I have the include you mentioned, but I still have an error. "Type 'bool' could not be resolved". Asking for includes <stddef.h>,<stdbool.h>.

Looking for any suggestions. Thanks in advance.


Yes, the something with this folder:


You welcome. The problem is for SPC5 Studio 6. Version 5.8 has no this type of problem.

Really useful!!! TNX SO MUCH!!! you won the heven!!!