2022-03-10 4:07 AM
In this I can able to download bin file from UART next step jump to app in this step not working if any one have idea please help .......
Thanks advance ...
2022-03-16 2:44 AM
Hi sir ,
Thanks for your replay.
Once all code downloaded .Power OFF/ON the Board or press reset button .I tried both method .After restart bootloader code run and stopped .My app code not running.
I attached the status LED screenshot for your reference.
Once all bin file write into flash .Then I restart MCU .After restart Led 1 ON for 5 sec the Both the LEDs ON always .Nothing happened .
2022-03-16 3:13 AM
I wonder if you are not confused by wrong LED status
because on SPC584B, the LEDs are not connected from PADs to GND,
but there are connected from PADs to VDD.
So by default, when the program set the PAD to level High, the LED is OFF
and when the program set the PAD to level Low, the LED is ON
LED1 is on PortF8
LED2 is on PortF9
You have to invert the configuration for both LED1 and LED2:
Would you please check that in Board Initialization -> IO settings ?
2022-03-16 3:42 AM
Hi Sir,
I checked the Board Initialization LED configure correct only.
If LED status wrong also app code will run right .My app code is simple program ON/OFF 3 LED s one by one. I tested this app code using UDE STK 2021 tool to flash the code and reset the board its work fine ,
But UART bootloader mode only not running I try this around 1 week . But not able to complete .
If u have any ide pls share me .
Thanks regards
2022-03-16 6:01 AM
I just sent you 3 files:
1) SPC584Bxx_RLA PIT Test Application for Discovery 2.zip
in the build directory, you will find application program binary out.bin to flash at address 0x1000000
Then, when you switch ON your board, you should see :
LED1 blinking every 1 sec,
LED2 blinking every 2 sec,
LED3 blinking every 4 sec.
2) SPC584Bxx_RLA Bootloader Test Application for Discovery 2.zip
in the build directory, you will find bootloader program binary out.bin to flash at address 0xFC0000
Then, when you switch ON your board, you should see :
only LED1 set ON for 5 sec
then all LEDs OFF
3) spc5loader.zip
This is the PC tool to use with bootloader
flash the bootloader binary from 2)
connect an USB cable from your PC to the MCU Dicsovery2 USB
launch the spc5loader tool and configure it with good COM and the application binary out.bin from 1)
then switch ON the board
only LED1 should be ON
and clicl on Program within 5 sec
if load works correctly, at the end you should have LED1 ON and LED2 ON
then reboot the MCU, you should see LED1 for 5 sec
and then the 3 LEDs should blink ever 1sec/2sec/4sec
2022-03-16 9:43 PM
HI Sir ,
Thanks for your replay .
As per your last replay i done following things please check once .
Step 1.
Restart MCU and Using spc5loader load the SPC584Bxx_RLA Bootloader Test Application for Discovery 2 out.bin file.
Step 2:-
Restart MCU. Using spc5loader load the SPC584Bxx_RLA PIT Test Application for Discovery 2 out.bin file.
After Program flash completed .Restart MCU.
First 5 sec LED 1 ON .& LED 2 OFF
After 5 Sec LED 1 & 2 OFF nothing happened.
I attached the pictures for your reference. One more thing I am using your bootloader and your app file only for flash and testing.
1.After restart MCU.First 5 sec.2.After 5 sec all LED OFF nothing happened.
Still program load but not executed sir.
Thanks & Regards
2022-03-17 12:53 AM
Hello Ravi,
Sorry but you did not follow what I asked.
Let's redo step by step.
Step 1) SPC584Bxx_RLA PIT Test Application for Discovery 2.zip
****Do not try to regenerate or rebuild, just unzip and use like this.****
in the build directory, you will find application program binary out.bin to flash at address 0x1000000
****Do not use spc5loader, use your normal flasher tool ****
****Remark we do not flash Bootloader program but PIT program here****
****Before to flask PIT program at 0x1000000, please erase all your flash partitions ****
Then, when you switch ON your board, you should see :
LED1 blinking every 1 sec,
LED2 blinking every 2 sec,
LED3 blinking every 4 sec.
Please do this Step 1 exactly like this.
I flashed this PIT binary using PLS on my SPC584B-DISP board and it works (3 LEDS are blinking).
Tell me what happens on your side.
Best regards,
2022-03-17 1:16 AM
Hi sir,
I loaded PIT program at 0x1000000 using UDE STK 2021 PLS tool (3 LEDS are blinking).as per program work fine.
Step1:- Erase flash
Step2:- Load PIT program
Hi sir using this UDE STK 2021 PLS tool to flash program I already tried my code for both app and bootloader code work fine .Only think If I loaded bootloader using this tool app code using other controller via UART only not works.
2022-03-17 1:52 AM
Is everything works well now using last PLS version ?
Sorry Ravi, I do not understand your last sentence:
"Only think If I loaded bootloader using this tool app code using other controller via UART only not works."
Would you please reformulate ?
2022-03-17 2:08 AM
Hi sir,
We have two codes
1.Bootloader code
2.App code .
My scenario is
1.first I loaded Bootloader code to 0x00FC0000 using UDE STK 2021 PLS tool .
2.Then Restart SPC5 MCU .
3.Bootloader code wait for 5 sec via UART from other MCU any new code coming or not. If other MCU new app code present means other MCU send password to SPC5 board
4.So SPC5 bootloader validate password .If password is correct SPC5 board send ACK to external MCU. wait for bin file size and bin file.
5.Other MCU send all bin file to SPC5 via UART .SPC5 board write data to 0x01000000 flash address. Once all bin file write in to flash.
6.I restart SPC5 MCU .SPC5 MCU after restart wait for 5 seconds .up to this point work fine,
7.Next and final step Jump to new code need to happen .New program need to execute but nothing happen.
This is my problem sir.
2022-03-17 2:15 AM
Ok thanks.
So nothing is new, you already have original issue with your program.
Let's continue investigation step by step with my programs I sent to you yesterday:
Step 2) SPC584Bxx_RLA Bootloader Test Application for Discovery 2.zip
in the build directory, you will find bootloader program binary out.bin to flash at address 0xFC0000
***Please use PLS to erase all partitions and flash my Bootloader binary at 0xFC0000***
Then, when you switch ON your board, you should see :
only LED1 set ON for 5 sec
then all LEDs OFF
Please do it and confirm if step2 is working at your side