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hello, I have a ST92F150 microcontroller, is there a tool for recording and reading it so that it comes out more into account

Associate II

microcontroller ST92F150

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You mean like STVP9 ?

Not sure it can recover protected devices.

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Associate II

o que seria STVP9, um programador ou software?

Programming software I'd presume

This is probably the wrong place for cracking / chipping support

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Associate II

e qual hardware devo usar para ler e programar o microcontrolador?

A programming method is described in the data sheet as I recall, you could implement that on a platform of your choosing.

Not sure it facilitates a read-back method, you would presumably need a .BIN or .HEX of the firmware you've generated

20 year old stuff, not really much commercial interest at this point. ST used to have an EPROM Programming Board (ST92F120-EPB) you should check with your local sales office. I suspect at this point you'll need to buy or construct your own gear.

Programming App Note.

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