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Different between FLEXPWM and PWM

Associate II

Hi, can i know what is the different between FlexPWM and PWM ?


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Accepted Solutions
ST Employee


first driver (FlewPWM) allows to use the PWM capability of FlexPWM IP (cf chapter 36 in RM0387)

second driver (PWM) allows to use PWM capability of eTimer IP (cf chapter 38 in RM0387)

Best regards

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ST Employee


first driver (FlewPWM) allows to use the PWM capability of FlexPWM IP (cf chapter 36 in RM0387)

second driver (PWM) allows to use PWM capability of eTimer IP (cf chapter 38 in RM0387)

Best regards

Okay understand. So, if i want the PWM is control by sensor(ADC), may i know how or where i can refer? I already see the PWM demos, but the things is the demo not using the ADC as a input.

We have one simple demo to show how to control PWM

another one to show how to read ADC

but we have no more complex demo to show how to control PWM according to ADC value

you will have to develop it according to your own needs.

Best regards

okay. I have a question regarding the PWM demos. So, in that demos, we set the PWM pin as both input and output ? let say i want to control the motor, so the input will be the code that we set as a duty cycle? and the output is the motor? am i right or i misunderstanding the demos ?

0693W00000QO3y6QAD.pngso the 20%, 30% duty cycle that we set in c code is the input?

and then the motor will be the output and control based on this duty cycle that we set?