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Using two FlexPWM modules with RPC56EL70L5 (SPC56EL70L5)

Posted on January 14, 2016 at 10:48


I am evaluating the use of RPC56EL70L5 to control two BLDC motors, using a FlexPWM module for each motor.

The datasheet of the SPC56EL70L5 states that the second FlexPWM is not connected to the pins of the package - the RPC56EL70L5 datasheet is not explicit about.

Is there a way to connect the second module (FlexPWM_1) to the output pins?

Any workaround?

Thanks, dave
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Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on January 21, 2016 at 18:18

Hello Dave ,

Sorry the RM is not clear.

There is no FlexPWM1 on EL70.

''The pulse width modulator module (FlexPWM) contains four PWM channels, each of which

is configured to control a single half-bridge power stage. One module is present in LQFP144


package. Additionally, four fault input channels are provided per FlexPWM module.''

                             Best regards
