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Associate II


I installed AutoDevkitstudio yesterday.As I can see I should go to this web site"" and get a license but in this site there is not any form that I fill it and get a license. Pleas help me more for getting license!. Thank you


Thank you for your reply Arash.

Have a nice day !


Associate II

Dear Olivier:

I am a beginner and I would like to work with pins and GPIOs! :))

There are many great samples about peripherals but not about GPIOs. I would like to ask that there is any example(s) about GPIOs in SPC5STUDIO WIZARD!

Thank you.

Dear Arash,

in your project :"SPC56ELxx_RLA DSPI Test Application for DiscoveryPlus"

you have a GPIO configured in OUPTUT to blink a LED:

_legacyfs_online_stmicro_images_0693W00000dDT4iQAG.pngit can be easily configured using the pinmap editor:

_legacyfs_online_stmicro_images_0693W00000dDT5HQAW.pngthen in your main function you have the code to call gpio driver to blink the LED:

  pal_lld_clearpad(PORT_A, PA_LED5);       /* LED ON.         */

  osalThreadDelayMilliseconds(300); /* WAIT 300 ms */

  pal_lld_setpad(PORT_A, PA_LED5);        /* LED OFF.        */

put you mouse pointer on the function pal_lld_setpad and do <CTRL>-left click to navigate in your code.

Best Regards,


Thank you Dear Oliver

I plan to to buy a SPC57xx EVB.

I would like to know that I can use these codes with a SPC57xx family too !

Hello Arash,

each Family (SPC56, 57, 58) and each MCU (56D, 56P, 58EC ...) can have a different driver sample code.

When you use SPC5Studio to create or import a project for a particular MCU, the imported sample code should be in line with the particular chosen MCU.

So do not try to port a sample code from a MCU type to another one.

Best regards,
