2016-10-19 1:41 AM
I found from the TDA2003 spec.that the input sensitivity is 55mv ( P0=6W,RL=4), what will happen if increasing the amplitute of input signal? And I want to control volume of amplifier , should I control the amplitute of input signal from 0 to 55mV ? Can the gain of TDA2003 be changed?
#audio-amplifier2016-10-19 5:56 PM
hi ,
when input level is higher than 55mV , output will be clipped .
the gain is adjustable by external feedback network , please refer to datasheet .
but max input level is 330mV when you chose 26dB gain.
2016-10-19 8:42 PM
thanks for your answer. I found no gain adjustment from the datasheet.maybe the datasheet I have is not completed. Could you send me a full version?
2016-10-20 12:05 AM
hi Allen,
the link of datasheet is below
and refer to test circuitry in first page, you can see the voltage feed back network R1 and R2, the gain is equal to (R1+R2)/R2. with same value in test circuitry , the gain is around 40dB ( 100 times ), you can change it refer to table in page 8. and the minimum gain is 26dB .