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STPA003CD-48X Short circuits and open circuit operation

Tatsuyuki Kurosawa
Posted on March 02, 2018 at 11:13

Hello, team.

My customer is using STPA003CD-48X and developing new H/W.

In the datasheet (5.3.1 Short circuits and open circuit operation),

>In case of short circuit to ground or Vcc, the amplifier exits from the three-state condition

>only when the output returns inside the limits imposed by an internal voltage comparator.

Could you please explain more details like concrete method to detect the short?

>When a short across the load is present, the power stage sees an over-current and is

>brought in protection mode for 100 ?s.

What is the threshold current to detect the short?

Regards, Kurosawa

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mauro gatti
ST Employee
Posted on April 16, 2018 at 10:49

Hello Kurosawa,

If short to Vcc or Gnd, the overcurrent will trigeer the protection. This protection will latch until the output level is between Vcc/2+2V and Vcc/2-2V.

For the across load short, the threshold of overcurrent is not a constant value, it depends on the Vds of the power MOS. Normally, on the STPA003 it ranges from about 3.5A to 11A

