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I have been testing with TDA7294 and need to switch to TDA7293. My test board works fine with the TDA7294 but when I put in a TDA7293 with no load and apply power to the device it draws massive amount of current. Can you tell me what i am doing wrong.

Associate II

I need to run the TDA7293 because i wont to run 50 volts rails. I am so confused , i thought the parts were pin compatible. I have read the data sheet a few times and don't quite understand what is wrong. I am basically using the schematic of the TDA7294 but plugged into it a TDA7293.



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Chief II

Should it be reminded that on TDA7293 pins 5, 11,12 are not N.C. and the connection of pin 6 can/should be different?

Associate II

This is my schematic for the TDA7293, and i am running 50 volts on pins 7,8,13 and 15. Do you see anything wrong with this? 

Associate II

My schematic did not come through here is a copy