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First steps with STUW813000


I am starting my first project with the STUW813000. I don't seem to find a clear answer to the following 2 questions:

  1. My power consumption is on the level of 6-7mA on the supply line of 5.5V. No ref signal yet present, HW_PD@GND, PD_RF1@GND, PD_RF2@3.3V. Is this normal under these conditions?
  2. (if not caused by 1) I am absolutely unable to establish SPI communication with the device. For a test I intended to read the status register 0x0A, for which I am sending byte (0b1101000: 0x), taking into account the first bit should be 1 for reading. No data received. I tried to send a sequence of 4 bytes (filled with zeros) to make up the 32-bit pattern but no success. The SPI lines are operated correctly, matching the pattern from the manual. No activity on the MISO line from the STUW.

Thanks for any hints.

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