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I-CUBE-LRWAN v2.0.0 + Nucleo-L073RZ + I-Nucleo-LRWAN1 on TTN

Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

The LoRaWAN_AT_Master project from I-CUBE-LRWAN v2.0.0 does not work out-of-the-box - for necessary fixes, see:

The reason for trying v2.0.0 was that v1.3.1 stopped working on TTN: initially, the Node joined and exchanged data OK but, after a while, it "dropped off" the network, and would not re-join - it would just continually repeat sending Join Requests.

This was back in January this year - before TTN V2 was deprecated.

The I-Nucleo-LRWAN1 was then set aside in favour of the B-L072Z-LRWAN1 - which had no such problem.

Recently came back to the I-Nucleo-LRWAN1, and thought to see if I-CUBE-LRWAN v2.0.0 worked any better.

Initially (after fixing the source code bugs) it did join the network, and exchange data:

0693W00000D0eakQAB.pngthis shows 2 TeraTerm instances:

  • the left-hand one is monitoring AT Commands sent by the Nucleo-L073RZ;
  • the right-hand one is monitoring the responses from the I-Nucleo-LRWAN1.

It shows a successful join, and exchanging data.

However, after a short time, this also got into an endless join-request loop:


So, having initially managed to join successfully, why would it then get stuck in a continual failing join-request loop?


Associate III

Should seem that the network do not respond to a Join request. If you look at the initial trace the end-device does a join request , then modem return an asynchronous event "+joinaccept" and btw goes into a Sending periodic frame processing. Now in the endless join-request, should seem that the End-device does an "NVICReset" , do a Join request but never received from the network a join accept. In this case it will try to redo "join request . Could you check at TTN if "second" join request is well received ....

"Could you check at TTN if "second" join request is well received ...."

Unfortunately not - that feature has recently died in the TTN V2 console:

So it's going to mean having to get onto TTN V3.

But awaiting info from ST on how to do that:

Associate III

OK , waiting to have TTN V3... Otherwise , what's append if you power-off your end-device and then do restart