2021-02-12 8:42 AM
Hi, is there a way to get the B-LCDAD-HDMI adapter to work together with TouchGFX? So far I could only get it to work in i few CubeF7 examples, but those do not involve TouchGFX, CubeMX and so on...
Setup: STM32F769I-Disco + BlLCDAD-HDMI + Waveshare 7"
The examples provided by CubeF7 are also not running perfectly since the Screen is flickerung and the Image is shown two times (one is moved about 1/4 inch towards the Bottom.) Is there a way to adress those two issues?
2021-02-12 9:43 AM
You need write more about trouble or error, i mean this can work, but you need use config alligned to connected display, HDMI dont work automaticaly.
2021-02-13 9:24 AM
I found a few issues, but the Image still gets drawn several times.
I used a Video-timing-calculater to set all the values like Front/Back-porch and so on, but I can´t find a way to get rid of the described problem.
I am running the example Programm with two image-Buffers.
To specify the used Display:
Waveshare 7" with 1026x600 (somehow sold as 800x480)
Margins disabled,
Interlace disabled
When I connect the board to my projector, I can get a bit information about the Signal maybe that helps identify the Problem
2021-02-13 9:51 AM
You dont show your ST32 MX LTDC and DSI config aka KEY FEATURES
Too connection cable DSI need be perfect condition.
And this is converter board then you need setup chip to desired mode ... not simply use example... seems as your code is set to 480 but LCD is 600 or any other miss,
but without code nobody helps you.
2021-02-13 11:15 AM
Here are a couple of builds I have, timings I had working with an ACER display, try the 800x480
2021-02-13 8:14 PM
1024x600@60 Hz 16-bpp
2021-02-14 9:14 AM
Waveshare sells several models with different resolutions. I don't have any samples.
I did get a 1024x600@50 Hz 24-bpp working also, which is close to the DSI clock ceiling.
Absent feedback here, I will move along.
2021-02-14 10:49 AM
I have one problem sorted out, the Image-Buffer did not have the right size. Now, the image gets shown correctly. However, it looks like everything has a light shaddow a few mm underneath the real image. Does anybody have an idea on hoe to change that?
@ Tesla Delorean, How can I change the Hz of the image? In the example you kindly provided, it is set to 60hz, but in my programm I can only get it up to 33Hz.
Thank you for your help so far!
2021-02-14 10:50 AM
2021-02-14 11:23 AM
You have to clock fit the Pixel and DSI correctly to match the expectations, and not exceed defined limits
HDMI_FormatTypeDef HDMI_Format[] =
{1024, 48,216, 24, 600, 5, 22, 3, HDMI_ASPECT_RATIO_16_9, LCD_DSI_PIXEL_DATA_FMT_RBG565}, // 1024x600 16-bit
{1024, 48,216, 24, 600, 5, 22, 3, HDMI_ASPECT_RATIO_16_9, LCD_DSI_PIXEL_DATA_FMT_RBG888}, // 1024x600 24-bit
HDMI_DSIPacketTypeDef HDMI_DSIPacket[] =
/* NP NC VP */
{0, 1, 1024}, // #20
{0, 1, 1024}, // #21
HDMI_PLLConfigTypeDef HDMI_PLLConfig[] = // Clock Fit by sourcer32@gmail.com
/* N DIV Pclk IDF NDIV ODF LBClk TXEscapeCkdiv*/
{395, 4, 49375, DSI_PLL_IN_DIV5, 79, DSI_PLL_OUT_DIV1, 49375, 3}, // 1024x600@60Hz 16-bit 49.375 MHz / 395 MHz
// V:59.7Hz, H:36.7KHz
{330, 4, 41250, DSI_PLL_IN_DIV5, 99, DSI_PLL_OUT_DIV1, 61875, 3}, // 1024x600@50Hz 24-bit 41.250 MHz / 495 MHz
// V:49.9Hz, H:31.4KHz