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[SOLVED] --- Slidebar on STM32F746G-DISCO ----

0693W000000UjCvQAK.jpgHere my solution to create a slidebar on this evaluation board, it should run also in other STM32 modules.

//# Slide bar
#define SLIDE_X      (400)
#define SLIDE_Y       (20)
#define EMPTY_Y       (15)
typedef struct slidebar_tag_Struct {
	uint16_t   slide_start_x;    // to set
	uint16_t   slide_start_y;    // to set
	uint16_t   slide_empty_y;    // to set (diff from top image to top slide)
	uint16_t   first;            // to set to 1
	uint32_t   width_slide;      // to set to 0
	uint32_t   height_slide;     // to set to 0
	uint32_t   width_cursor;     // to set to 0
	uint32_t   height_cursor;    // to set to 0
	int        prev_cursor_Ypos; // to set to 0
	float      Ymin;
    float      Ymax;
    int        save_curr_x;
    int        save_curr_y;
	uint16_t   cursor_start_x;
	uint16_t   cursor_end_x;
	uint16_t   cursor_start_y;
	uint16_t   cursor_end_y;
	uint32_t   index;
	uint32_t   bit_pixel;
	uint16_t   curr_pos;
    uint32_t * save_area;
} slidebar_Struct;
slidebar_Struct slidestr1 = { SLIDE_X, SLIDE_Y, EMPTY_Y, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
slidebar_Struct slidestr2 = { SLIDE_X - 60, SLIDE_Y, EMPTY_Y, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
void BSP_LCD_CreateSlideBar(slidebar_Struct *, uint8_t *, uint8_t *, int, uint16_t);
> 2 parameter the pointer to the slibar image
> 3 parameter the pointer to the cursor image
void BSP_LCD_CreateSlideBar(slidebar_Struct * s, uint8_t * slide, uint8_t * cursor, int pos, uint16_t perc)
	//static   uint16_t  first = 1;
	uint16_t i, m, k;
	float    Xcursor, Ycursor;
	if (s->first == 1)
	    /* Read slide bitmap width */
		s->width_slide = *(uint16_t *) (slide + 18);
		s->width_slide |= (*(uint16_t *) (slide + 20)) << 16;
    	/* Read slide bitmap height */
		s->height_slide = *(uint16_t *) (slide + 22);
		s->height_slide |= (*(uint16_t *) (slide + 24)) << 16;
    	/* Read slide bitmap width */
		s->width_cursor = *(uint16_t *) (cursor + 18);
		s->width_cursor |= (*(uint16_t *) (cursor + 20)) << 16;
    	/* Read cursor bitmap height */
		s->height_cursor = *(uint16_t *) (cursor + 22);
		s->height_cursor |= (*(uint16_t *) (cursor + 24)) << 16;
		/* Get bitmap data address offset */
		s->index = cursor[10] + (cursor[11] << 8) + (cursor[12] << 16)  + (cursor[13] << 24);
		/* Read bit/pixel */
		s->bit_pixel = cursor[28] + (cursor[29] << 8);
		/* Calculate the pixel range of  cursor */
		s->Ymin = s->slide_start_y + s->slide_empty_y - (s->height_cursor / 2);
		s->Ymax = s->Ymin + (s->height_slide - (2 * s->slide_empty_y));
		/* Drar slidebar without cursor */
        BSP_LCD_DrawBitmap(s->slide_start_x, s->slide_start_y, slide);
        s->first = 0;
		/* Restore original area under the cursor */
		for ( i = k = 0; i < s->height_cursor; i++)
		 	for ( m = 0; m < s->width_cursor; m++, k++)
		 		BSP_LCD_DrawPixel(s->save_curr_x + m, s->save_curr_y + i, s->save_area[k]);
		/* free original save area */
	/* Calculate the new cursor position */
	Xcursor = s->slide_start_x + (s->width_slide / 2) - (s->width_cursor / 2);
	/* If has been specified a percentage */
	if (pos == 0 && perc <= 100)
        Ycursor = s->slide_start_y + s->slide_empty_y - (s->height_cursor/2);
        Ycursor += (perc / 100.0) * (s->height_slide - (2 * s->slide_empty_y));
	else /* If has been specified a pixel step */
	    Ycursor = (uint16_t)(s->save_curr_y + pos);
	    if (Ycursor < s->Ymin || Ycursor > s->Ymax)
	    	Ycursor = (uint16_t)(s->save_curr_y);
	    uint16_t rel1 = (uint16_t)Ycursor - s->slide_start_y - s->slide_empty_y + (s->height_cursor/2);
	    s->curr_pos = (uint16_t)(100.0 * (rel1 / (float)(s->Ymax - s->Ymin)));
	    //LCD_LOG_State("curr %d\%",  s->curr_pos);
	/* Save the area under the new cursor */
    s->save_curr_x = (int)Xcursor;
    s->save_curr_y = (int)Ycursor;
    s->save_area = calloc(s->height_cursor * s->width_cursor, sizeof(uint32_t));
    if (s->save_area == NULL)
    	LCD_LOG_State("BSP_LCD_CreateSlideBar no memory");
    for ( i = k = 0; i < s->height_cursor; i++)
    	for ( m = 0; m < s->width_cursor; m++, k++)
    		s->save_area[k] = BSP_LCD_ReadPixel((uint16_t)Xcursor + m, (uint16_t)Ycursor + i);
    /* Draw the cursor in the new position */
    BSP_LCD_DrawBitmap((uint16_t)Xcursor, (uint16_t)Ycursor, cursor);
#define ENLANGE_TOUCH_AREA   (20)
    /* Calculate the touchscreen area for the cursor */
    s->cursor_start_x = (uint16_t)Xcursor                    - ENLANGE_TOUCH_AREA;
    s->cursor_end_x   = (uint16_t)Xcursor + s->width_cursor  + ENLANGE_TOUCH_AREA;
    s->cursor_start_y = (uint16_t)Ycursor                    - ENLANGE_TOUCH_AREA;
    s->cursor_end_y   = (uint16_t)Ycursor + s->height_cursor + ENLANGE_TOUCH_AREA;
void BSP_Pointer_Update(void)
	static TS_StateTypeDef prev_state; /*previous touch state from the touch sensor used from BSP package*/
	TS_StateTypeDef ts;                /*actual touch state from the touch sensor used from BSP package*/
	int  xDiff, yDiff;                 /*difference in postitions between touch states*/
	xDiff = ts.touchX[0] - prev_state.touchX[0];
	yDiff = ts.touchY[0] - prev_state.touchY[0];
	if (prev_state.touchDetected != ts.touchDetected)
               prev_state.touchDetected = ts.touchDetected;
		if ((ts.touchX[0] != 0) && (ts.touchY[0] != 0))
		    prev_state.touchX[0] = ts.touchX[0];
		    prev_state.touchY[0] = ts.touchY[0];
	else if (yDiff > 5 || yDiff < 5)
		if (ts.touchX[0] > slidestr1.cursor_start_x && ts.touchX[0] < slidestr1.cursor_end_x  &&
        	ts.touchY[0] > slidestr1.cursor_start_y && ts.touchY[0] < slidestr1.cursor_end_y)
			if (yDiff < 100 && yDiff > -100 && yDiff != 0)
        	    BSP_LCD_CreateSlideBar(&slidestr1, (uint8_t *)(&slide1), (uint8_t *)(&cursor1), yDiff, 0);
        	    LCD_LOG_State("Cursor 1 now at position  %d%%",  slidestr1.curr_pos);
		if (ts.touchX[0] > slidestr2.cursor_start_x && ts.touchX[0] < slidestr2.cursor_end_x  &&
        	ts.touchY[0] > slidestr2.cursor_start_y && ts.touchY[0] < slidestr2.cursor_end_y)
			if (yDiff < 100 && yDiff > -100 && yDiff != 0)
        	    BSP_LCD_CreateSlideBar(&slidestr2, (uint8_t *)(&slide1), (uint8_t *)(&cursor1), yDiff, 0);
        	    LCD_LOG_State("Cursor 2 now at position  %d%%",  slidestr2.curr_pos);
		if ((ts.touchX[0] != 0) && (ts.touchY[0] != 0))
			prev_state.touchX[0] = ts.touchX[0];
			prev_state.touchY[0] = ts.touchY[0];
		//TS_State.Layer = 0;
		//TS_State.x = prev_state.touchX[0];
		//TS_State.y = prev_state.touchY[0];