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sprintf causes hard fault.

Trevor Jones

I use "sprintf (string,"comment"); everywhere

now for some reason, I am getting a hardfault. in an innocuous print.

length += sprintf(String + length, "Received Packet from ");

length is only 15.

String is declared as

char String[256];

I guess it is using malloc,

How do we check the allocations are being cleared ?

I never use malloc anywhere, so its not me...

Trevor Jones

Added to heap and stack but did not fix the problem:


	.heap (NOLOAD) :
		. = ALIGN(4);
		PROVIDE(__heap_start__ = .);
		. = ALIGN(4);
		. = . + 0x2000;
		PROVIDE(__heap_end__ = .);
	} > SRAM
	.reserved_for_stack (NOLOAD) :
		. = ALIGN(4);
		PROVIDE(__reserved_for_stack_start__ = .);
		. = ALIGN(4);
		. = . + 0x2000;
		PROVIDE(__reserved_for_stack_end__ = .);
	} > SRAM

Does length get initialized or corrupt?

Not sure where the allocators is beyond _sbrk, but in other systems you could try walking the heap list.

I guess look specifically at where it is faulting, and via a listing. See what it is actually using, and perhaps if you can unwind the allocator code and call-tree that's getting you here.

With strings always make sure everything has a NUL termination, especially if there are some memcpy() or "%s" being used.

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Trevor Jones

Thanks for the good advice @Community member​ however, very difficult to do any debug.

length is definately only 0x15 when the allocated String locally is 256 bytes.

now to unwind the allocator code, ?

"specifically at where it is faulting, and via a listing"

it is "FRAME OUT OF BOUNDS" from Visual Studio so I cant see anything.

strangely, all other lines of sprintf around this one seem to operate ok, only this one is a problem. ?


a code boundary ?

stack nesting ?

removed a 12 nest if/else without fixing it.

how can I walk the heap list?

sprintf always inserts the null.. and using " Sting+length" will override it anyhow.

dont use the %s operator at all. nor string copy or memcopy.

( i use the Null to copy strings, ie while(*ptr) // is not null )

looking to generate the map file now.

If it corrupts the stack the processor can vector off to locations it has no code to show you. You've seen my fault routines, these allow for an inside-the-box view of the failure if the debugger is unhelpful.

Typically the way heap work is you have a linked list of allocated and unallocated space, it should fold contiguous unallocated space during free()

To get to the list you typically subtract space for a structure in front of the pointer returned by malloc(). ie foo = malloc(100); the link list structure can be found at foo-32 (for example). Look at how free() is implemented, and what it does with the pointer you pass in. There is likely a back/forward pointer and a size.

Not saying it is the heap, the stack tends to be the biggest issue. In ST/GCC they usually have the heap/stack together allowing one to crash into the other.

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the map file: no boundaries here

faulty function is inside: ProcessReceivedFrame { }

                0x0800ba28      0x188 VisualGDB/Debug/nCan.o
                0x0800ba28                ProcessReceivedFrame
                0x0800bbb0       0x1c VisualGDB/Debug/nCan.o
                0x0800bbb0                HAL_FDCAN_RxBufferNewMessageCallback

sprintf in map file:

                0x08001d70                _sprintf_r
                0x08001d70                _siprintf_r
                0x08001dac                siprintf
                0x08001dac                sprintf
 *fill*         0x08001df0       0x10 

the heap in Map file, and surrounds

               0x2400fcd4                retSD
                0x2400fcd8                SDPath
                0x2400fcdc                SDFile
                0x2400ff0c                SDFatFS
 COMMON         0x24010140        0x4 c:/sysgcc/arm-eabi/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-eabi/7.2.0/../../../../arm-eabi/lib/thumb/fpu/cortex_m7\libc_nano.a(lib_a-reent.o)
                0x24010140                errno
                0x24010144                . = ALIGN (0x4)
                0x24010144                _ebss = .
                0x24010144                PROVIDE (__bss_end__, _ebss)
                0x24010144                PROVIDE (end, .)
.heap           0x24010144     0x2000 load address 0x080337d8
                0x24010144                . = ALIGN (0x4)
                [!provide]                PROVIDE (__heap_start__, .)
                0x24010144                . = ALIGN (0x4)
                0x24012144                . = (. + 0x2000)
 *fill*         0x24010144     0x2000 
                [!provide]                PROVIDE (__heap_end__, .)
                0x24012144     0x2000 load address 0x080337d8
                0x24012144                . = ALIGN (0x4)
                [!provide]                PROVIDE (__reserved_for_stack_start__, .)
                0x24012144                . = ALIGN (0x4)
                0x24014144                . = (. + 0x2000)
 *fill*         0x24012144     0x2000 
                [!provide]                PROVIDE (__reserved_for_stack_end__, .)
.image_storage  0x30000000    0x48000
                0x30000000                . = ALIGN (0x4)
                [!provide]                PROVIDE (__Image_Store__, .)
                0x30000000    0x48000 VisualGDB/Debug/bios.o
                0x30000000                BigBuffer
                0x38000000     0x7800
                0x38000000                . = ALIGN (0x4)
                [!provide]                PROVIDE (__Aligned_Store__, .)
                0x38000000     0x7800 VisualGDB/Debug/bios.o
                0x38000000                Usart1RxDMABuffer
                0x38000400                Usart1TxDMABuffer
                0x38002400                Usart2RxDMABuffer
                0x38002800                Usart2TxDMABuffer
                0x38003800                string
                0x38004800                flashBuffer
                0x38005800                RamDirectory
OUTPUT(VisualGDB/Debug/H743_LCD_2 elf32-littlearm)

Trevor Jones

I have set the Heap/Stack to 8Kbytes, wouldn't think that is an issue after doubling it and now it still fails in the same sprintf

regarding your hardfault handler:

this is declared

/* These types MUST be 32-bit */
typedef long		LONG;
typedef unsigned long	DWORD;
/* This type MUST be 64-bit (Remove this for ANSI C (C89) compatibility) */
typedef unsigned long long QWORD;

looking inside your hardfault handler: but it just fails...

void hard_fault_handler_c(unsigned int * hardfault_args, unsigned int r4, unsigned int r5, unsigned int r6)
        DWORD reg1 = hardfault_args[1];    <- crashes here, single step fails to here.
	DWORD reg2 = hardfault_args[2];
	DWORD reg3 = hardfault_args[0];
	DWORD reg4 = r4;

I have the dataCache off, will try the instructionCache off

Trevor Jones

still fails with ICache OFF,

here is the errant code:

	    ProcessReceivedFrame(dataChannel, FifoMsgLength); // check if this packet contains a valid address
		    if (showRxCanFrames) {
			    char String[256];
			    int length = 0;
			    length += sprintf(String + length, "Received Packet from ");  // this line works
			    if (have_LCD)
				    length += sprintf(String + length, "LCD unit ");
					length += sprintf(String + length, "Facex unit ");	 
					length += sprintf(String + length, "FA4 unit ");
					length += sprintf(String + length, "FA1 unit ");
					length += sprintf(String + length, "FA2 unit ");	    
					length += sprintf(String + length, "AIM_TA unit ");
					length += sprintf(String + length, "AIM_TC unit ");     // <- fails here
			    // else

Can you change behaviour with a "static char String[256]" ?

Doesn't look bad..

Does length look problematic? Clearly don't have 256 chars in preceding sprintf

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Trevor Jones

nope, same result,

attached.... with code stack shown

indicator of failed point...