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How to import and compile STM32WB 802.15.4 examples on STM32CubeIDE


Hi, I'm very new to the microcontroller world and I'm having problems trying to import/compile the 802.15.4 examples on the STM32CubeIDE. Does anyone knows the steps that I need to do to run them ?

Thanks a lot.

Associate III

Hi, did you ever resolve this? I have the P-Nucleo-WB55 kit and am having difficulty getting any of the examples to successfully import and compile in STM32CubeIDE?

A clear, step-by-step guide from ST would be useful, and you would think it would be an obvious requirement for a brand new IDE (even if it is just a rebranded, heavily tweaked old IDE).

I am on the verge of just installing SW4 to try and get it to work on there!