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LIS3DH Click Detection

Associate III

I am attempting to get a double click interupt working on the LIS3DH. I have been using the INT1 pin for regular threshold interrupt but have another application which requires the click interrupt.

So far, after playing with many thresholds and timing - I cannot get any combination to actually register a click/double clock. Can anyone who has succuesfully gotten doubleclick to work please share there configuration. (Even adafruit library seems ineffective)

ST Employee

Hi @Community member​ are you using ODR 400Hz or high, right? This is important to be able to detect a rapid event such as a click. Did you also followed all the indication of the AN3308 app note (p 32-37, DCLICK in CLICK_SRC correctly enabled etc)? You could share your code or an oscilloscope screen of INT1 working. Regards

Associate III

Hi Eleon,

Thanks for the prompt response, the 400hz refresh rate was what was holding me back- i have this working succesfully now thanks.