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what it the pin number of ST-Link V2? st link was damaged?

Associate II

i connected st link to my stm32 on customboard ,

1 pin -> 3.3V, 7 pin -> SWDIO, 9 pin -> SWCLK, 15 pin-> NRST, 19 pin -> GND.

but keil doesn't recognize mcu.

I attach the image of the connection .

st link was damaged or wrong pin configuration?

thank you. i want to resolve this issue.

Thank you in advance


You don t need rst.

3.3v is adc monitoring input for stlink, not a supply to the target .micro.

Did you check pin1 of stm32 on your board? Which stm32?

Associate II

Thank you for your reply, Yes, the pin1 of stm32 is 3.3V.

this board has power supply from batteries on bottom side.

I will attach schematic.

Strikes me that you have the pin orientation completely backward.

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Associate II

I measured the voltage of pins. it appears vcc is 3.28 v. so i think i connected correctly.

Ok then perhaps you can enumerate your colour scheme, because the RED wire in the ribbon cable is PIN1, and the connector is a mirror image of the pins in the ST-LINK header it plugs into.​

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Associate II

Yes, pin1 of cable is connected to pin of custom board.

Perhaps a diagram might help penetrate your cranium?


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yes, thank you for your help . it seems it works now.

I see " Target has been cancelled "