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I want to implement One to Many i.e. Broadcasting so that I can send the data from one device to 3 other devices in real time? I am new to this, please help me out and let me know how should I proceed to implement the same.


I am using BLENRG-MS for the same.

Winfred LU
ST Employee


With BLE Mesh, the messages are managed flooded to the network.

You don't even have to implement by yourselves.

Options are available to either

  • use the broadcast messages directly


  • publish and subscribe the nodes in the same group, and use group messages

Best Regards,



I want to send Digital Microphone data from one device to other two devices. So which BLE and micro-controller should I use for better performance? I am totally new to this and I need some help on coding too. So please let me know how can I start for the same.

Thanks and regards,

Om Patel

@Winfred LU​ 

We have just received STM32WB55 Nucleo pack and I found that there is only one IDE workspace is available in (en.stm32cubewb\STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.0.0\Projects\NUCLEO-B55.Nucleo\Applications\BLE\BLE_MeshLightingDemo)

and that is EWARM and when I tried to import it into atollic TrueStudio then I am getting following error

"Description Resource Path Location Type Fatal error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to BLE_MeshLightingDemo Unknown C/C++ Problem"

Do we required EWARM licence to import EWARM Workspace into others like Atollic Truestudio or STM32CubeIDE? or can you please provide BLE_MeshLightingDemo in Atollic Truestudio or STM32CubeIDE?


VK Verma