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is there new marking on the STM32F107VCT6


Marking doesnt match with Data sheet, so is it fake or marking has been changed?


Probably just unique to manufacture and testing location. Check trace numbers with local sales office .

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Associate II

i have the same question if theres an updated datasheet that tells that the revision code was move on line 4 from previous line 2 or pcn for device marking for LQFP 100 . Appreciate if the Technical team help us to provide some documents that supports this change

This thread is from 4 years ago.

How about a picture of the device(s) you have.

There should be several PCN available, but it might help to narrow this down to a specific time frame and plant.

Contemporary labeling from the reels might help further.

Tracing is best done via your local sales office.

@Peter BENSCH​ there was perhaps a more recent post of a similar nature.

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please see hope ST Technical team support this

ST has limited interaction here.

The product looks new and is marked consistently with the packaging.​ Work with your distributor. Or open a Support Case from the main support page.

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Associate II

Yes thank you i already ask for the technical support , if ST have limited interaction for this community whats the sense they putting this community for customer like us

Well, it is often misunderstood what the community is and what it is for. However, the Community Rules of Participation provide an answer:

General Use

This is a public community where we strongly encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing. While ST experts do participate in answering questions, we welcome and rely also on the vast knowledge of our customers to help their peers and share their experiences. ST does not guarantee responses to every question posted in the community, yet we will provide programs and engagement to make the response rate and availability of useful content as high as possible.

So the Community is primarily a globally visible mutual aid platform where users can help each other. For personal enquiries directly to ST, there is the online system OLS, or as @Community member​ already mentioned, also the support through the respective distributor.



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Ray Ma

This is what I find on New Marking PCN for LQFP 100 0693W00000SvyTEQAZ.png