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STM32F302 VCP not recognized

Associate II
Posted on July 16, 2015 at 12:38

Good morning,

I've tested the USB CDC mode on the STM32F3 Discovery with the configuration given by STM32CubeMX and it work just fine but now that I made the PCB with the stm32F302RCT the configuration doesn't work. The PC just don't recognize the USB..

I tried to see if it was the circuit but if I connect the circuit directly to my discovery it works, but when I use my PCB it doesn't recognize. I was carefully design by hand the tracks close to don't have problems with capacitance and other things like that.

Does someone have an idea where the problem could be?



#stm32 #cube #stm32f3 #cdc #vcp
Posted on July 16, 2015 at 13:12

Check the clocks. The DISCO uses an 8 MHz source from the ST-LINK. Make sure you have an HSE crystal, that it's starting. Verify internal clocks via the MCO (PA8) pin.

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Associate II
Posted on July 16, 2015 at 14:16

Thank you for the reply clive1,

I've checked the clock several times and its the HSE that I'm using with 8MHz...

I previously done the configuration with the same cristal for the discovery with the same cristal and it works.

Posted on July 16, 2015 at 14:26

So does the USB interface work?

If you pull BOOT0 high at reset can the board be seen attaching via USB in DFU mode?

How does your circuit differ from the DISCO design?

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Associate II
Posted on July 16, 2015 at 15:34

If I put BOOT0 high the PC recognizes de boot loader but if I use the cube MX to configure to DFU or CDC it doesn't work..

I based the whole circuit on the discovery schematics, thats why I can't figure where's the bug