2015-12-22 5:42 PM
Dear all.
We have a project to calculate the optical flow by STM32F427.Like the following project : https://pixhawk.org/modules/px4flowBut we chose the camera OV7251 instead of MT9V034.The main problem is the interface of the OV7251 is MIPI CSI2.So we added the bridge IC STMIPID02 to convert the signal between MIPI and parallel in order to send the image to the STM32F427.But I am not sure is the design is reasonable? (MIPI camera + STMIPID02 + STM32F427)Had anyone designed the MIPI camera with STM32F4?Appreciate for any information. #stm32f4-mipi2015-12-23 5:16 AM
Not sure there is a very deep level of camera/DCMI experience on the forum.
Skimming the data sheets my immediate concern would be the 1.8V levels on the parallel interface. You probably want to evaluate your camera/interface choices on a dev board presenting a DCMI interface, and building a proto-type.2015-12-23 9:40 PM
Hi Clive1.
Thanks for your response.We had added the level translator to shift the voltage between 1.8V and 3.3V.But we really want to know how to integrate the MIPI camera with STM32F4.And if the design is reasonable ?(MIPI camera + STMIPID02 + STM32F427)RegardsChris2015-12-24 7:28 AM
It doesn't seem unreasonable, but the devil will be in the detail, and all the configuration, clocks and bandwidth. The size of the frame buffer, and the limits of the STM32 DMA controller will also likely play a role.
I'm really not getting a good sense of whether you are bringing any prior experience with any of the technology/concepts involved here. Do you have a complete working understanding of the other project you cited here? For a corporate customer, your best approach would be via the ST sales and distribution offices, an access to an FAE with experience in the camera integration area. You might also want to review the list of contractors and consultants for those with camera experience.2015-12-24 2:05 PM
MIPI is supported only by STM32F479 or STM32F469 ( have hardware for it)
2015-12-24 5:44 PM
Hi Linas.
I had surveyed the specification of the STM32F479 and STM32F469.But they only support MIPI-DSI display interfaces not the MIPI-CSI camera interface.So I didn't choose the STM32F479 or STM32F469 as the MCU.2017-01-05 9:41 PM
Hi chris,have you solved the problem ? I meet the same problem ,too.
I have an idea,don't know whether it works.
As you say ,STM32F469 support MIPI-DSI,can we use the PHY STM32F469 serve for DSI, do with CSI.?
(would you like to paeden my poor english)
2017-07-19 9:08 AM
Have someone solved this problem? I want to use STMIPID02 to connect camera to STM32F767 chip. I'd appreciate any help.