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My goal is to send bit patterns from an array directly to GPIO, using a Timer as a sample clock / DMA trigger.More concretely: TIM2 Update Event --> DMA --> memory to GPIO Port ODR transferI am on STM32f103rb (Nucleo-64)Similar questions have been as...
Using a resistor voltage divider (100k+47k) to break a range of 11V - 14V down to an ADC input range below 5V. For 11V i expect 3.5V, for 14V I expect it to be 4.5V.(see schematic)STM8s903 - ADC_IN_2 on PC4 (physical pin 14)IAR embedded workbench 3...
I want to convert a bunch of uint16_t values from an ADC into floating point voltages. For this I use a for loop to loop through the uint16_t array and write the values to a float array. But the float array remains 0 as if no assignment is ever made....
I have this odd behaviour, where the ADC1 works with a fresh .ioc configuraion but does not when I configure additional peripherals.The working case: (see attached f373rb_playground.ioc)Where I configure 4 channels of the ADC1 to work in scan mode to...
I develop a FreeRTOS / LwIP based application which throws a configASSERT error because of a bad priority.Only when the Nucleo is connected to the LAN, the debugger gets stuck at:Line 744 of port.c (FreeRTOS source)configASSERT( ucCurrentPriority >= ...
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