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I used STM32CubeMX to create cmake project for STM32F411CEUx. In the cmake\stm32cubemx directory there is a CMakeLists.txt file which defines a library called "stm32cubemx". This library contains all the code. Why STM32CubeMX uses such approach to pr...
In theory the Basic protocol allows sending packets up to 64kB long. But the TX FIFO has only 96 bytes. How can I send and receive bigger packets? I was looking at the P2P demo but it doesn't handle more than 96 bytes.
I'd like to use STM32F030 with SPBTLE-RF. Is it possible? Can I use libBlueNRG_Mesh_CM0.a from STSW-BNRG-Mesh? STM32CubeExpansion_BLEMESH1 is available only for Cortex-M3 and M4. Is it going to be available for CM0?
I'd like to read measurements from about 50-100 remote temperature sensors. I'm considering two options: BLE mesh with SPBTLE-RF modules and 6LoWPAN with SP1ML-868 modules. How many remote sensors per second can I read in both cases? I don't need exa...
There is a bug in HAL_RTC_SetDate() function. As usual it has asserts for input parameter. Unfortunately in version 1.7.4 there are asserts in lines 653 and 654 which test the datetmpreg variable which is always zero in case of RTC_FORMAT_BCD. Actua...