2019-01-15 2:26 AM
I'd like to read measurements from about 50-100 remote temperature sensors. I'm considering two options: BLE mesh with SPBTLE-RF modules and 6LoWPAN with SP1ML-868 modules. How many remote sensors per second can I read in both cases? I don't need exact values, just rough estimation for comparison.
Additionally please confirm my knowledge about implementation details:
For BLE mesh ST provides libraries for Cortex-M0 and M3. M4 is not supported and I can't use STM32F4.
For 6LoWPAN ST provides example code only for Contiki OS, there are no FreeRTOS or non-OS examples for SP1ML and 6LoWPAN.
2019-01-23 9:36 AM
Do you know maximum time to read a node ? Consider that Mesh technology is working over hops of nodes and communication is expected to be Low-bandwidth
SInce, you mentioned temperature sensor, we can guess it shall be ok to read it over several 10s of seconds.
For 50nodes network, if you are ok to read each sensor maximum after 50sec (roughtly considering 1sec per node), you can use any mesh technology: BLE-Mesh or 6LoWPAN.
for your other questions: