2019-02-04 3:51 PM
I'd like to use STM32F030 with SPBTLE-RF. Is it possible? Can I use libBlueNRG_Mesh_CM0.a from STSW-BNRG-Mesh? STM32CubeExpansion_BLEMESH1 is available only for Cortex-M3 and M4. Is it going to be available for CM0?
2019-02-05 5:35 AM
Any specific reason to use STM32F030 ? Did you evaluate the flash size needs ?
For which application you plan to use STM32F030 ?
Normally, the libBlueNRG_Mesh_CM0.a shall work fine for STM32F030,
There is no plan to provide X-CUBE-BLEMESH1 for CM0 based MCU
2019-02-05 7:51 AM
STM32F030 wasn't my choice, it was selected for the project (PV panels array monitoring).
I made some tests and it wasn't possible to link the code against libBlueNRG_Mesh_CM0.a:
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 5 exit status
I suppose the library wasn't compiled for GCC. Could ST provide the library for GCC (TrueStudio)?
2019-02-06 6:58 AM
OK, so the GCC compatibility issue can be fixed by removing debug symbols:
arm-none-eabi-objcopy --strip-debug llibBlueNRG_Mesh_CM0.a
But it doesn't help much. The ld.exe process doesn't crash now but it fails because of lack of BlueNRG1/2 specific functions like PKA_SetData(). And that's because ST dropped BlueNRG-MS support in BlueNRG-Mesh library version 1.09.000. The release notes say:
Removed support over BlueNRG-MS, For BlueNRG-MS kindly refer X-CUBE-BLEMESH1
But as you stated, X-CUBE-BLEMESH1 doesn't support CM0. So libBlueNRG_Mesh_CM0.a won't work fine for STM32F030. The solution would be to us mesh library V1.07.000 but it's nowhere to be found. ST offers only latest version for download.
2019-02-06 10:07 PM
You are right. The X-CUBE is for STM32+BlueNRG-MS
Kindly share which MCU do you plan to use (Flash, RAM..) and which Model of the BLE-Mesh. Is it generic model or Vendor model for your application ?
Using STM32L1 is not an option for you ? or using BlueNRG2 which is also Cortex-M0 core
2019-02-07 4:07 AM
I don't design hardware in this project, just make suggestions as software developer. There would be Vendor model. STM32F030 was first choice because of price and LQFP48 package. SPBTLE-RF is already chosen as BLE module. For me STM32L1 would be OK, but is there some chip in LQFP48 package and with 512 kB Flash?
2019-02-08 4:44 AM
for STM32F030, you are getting 256KB flash maximum. Any specific reason to ask 512kB for STM32L1 ?
2019-02-12 1:16 AM
I thought 256 kB wouldn't be enough. Anyway the project is postponed now. Thank you for your help.