Hi all,I am using the STM32N6570-DK kit with the GCC compiler. I want to disable the Helium extension. I have taken the AI object_detection code as a base code and created one function to check whether the Helium extension is enabled or disabled. I r...
Hi, I am using STM32N6570-DK kit. I have an example project for image classification, but it is designed for STM32CubeIDE. I want to port this project to Keil ( in order to use the ARM Compiler). Could you please provide the project file so it ca...
Hi @Laurids_PETERSEN,Could you please check if anyone can help us disable the Helium extension in Cortex-M55 Core used in STM32N6570-DK. We are developing a low-power application and want to identify the power consumption with and without Helium exte...
Thanks for your reply, Julian. Example code also doesn't have a .ioc file. If we want to use the example code as Base code to develop other use cases it gets hard to configure the project HAL layers manually in barematel. It would be great if you cou...
GCC compiler also recognizes the "-mcpu" to identify the CPU architecture. In project settings, there is a GCC command that involves the flag "-mcpu=cortex-m55" but we cannot change it by GUI, so we have to feed extra compilation arguments "Miscellan...
In the template code, there is no non-secure application. However, since we are accessing the RAMCFG register from a non-secure application, we added the CPU_IN_SECURE_STATE macro to access the RAMCFG register using the secure address. Despite this ...