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I started to getting this error from touchgfx after I added an Event throught CubeMX. As you can see from the messages, this is exactly what the errors are about.Compiling Core/Src/main.cLinking TouchGFX/build/bin/target.elfTouchGFX/build/STM32F429ID...
I faced with an interesting issue. Here is the code:1. Working: void GameScreenPresenter::activate() { IScreen* scr = &view; scr->Func(); } 2. Doesn't work: void GameScreenPresenter::activate() { void* ptr = &view; IScreen* scr = static_cast<IScreen*...
The problem I'm facing is that the Touchgfx doesn't know anything about additional link paths that I've setting up through IDE. Steps:1. Create the project with touchgfx designer;2. In the root of the project create a folder, then add .h and .c files...
Hi there. I have an image that I want to draw in a certain location and in as many as I need. I found the function HAL::lcd().drawPartialBitmap. I tried to call it from the view class in my function, like HAL::lcd().drawPartialBitmap(myBitmapId, poin...
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