I was wondering if there's any update on when "Matter Ethernet Examples" might be available. Looking forward to it.
Hi @STTwo-32,Great to hear! and thank you for your quick response.Three follow up questions, if you're able to share of course.1. Would the implementation be based on LwIP?2. ST67W used for WiFi hardware?3. Any time line known? Otherwise I have to ma...
Hi,At first, see my discussion below this post: https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus/how-to-use-the-lwip-ethernet-middleware-on-the-stm32h5-series/ta-p/691100This all is by heart. If I remember correctly, you're using I2C so you're not able to use ...
Hi,@Peter3718My HW connection is good so RMII is always connected to the controller, I always let it return the 100MBITS FULLDUPLEX status. If I need more I port it to I2C.@RomThiTrue, but I need I2C to setup Clock Mode 5 (enable bit 198[3]) and need...
Hi,@RomThi, again thank you for responding.I dove into the LAN8742.c file a few hours ago, and noticed (as you where saying) its a simple interface. I just did the setup of the KSZ8863 trough I2C and commented most part of the LAN8742_Init MIIM (MDC/...