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Edit by ST Moderator: This post has been translated from Japanese to comply with the ST Community Terms and Conditions (§10.2). The question is about the interrupt processing of the STM32F401RE. After the STM32 was started (after the programme was st...
I am using the STM32F401RE.Currently, I purchased an external USB device, replicated the USB circuit that was installed by default, and connected it to the following pins:{CN7-5 (+3.3V)CN7-17 (PA15)CN10-14 (PA11)CN10-12 (PA12)CN7-19 (GND)}I tested to...
After connecting to STM32F411RE for debugging using ST-LINK/V2-ISOL, I am trying to write a program using CUBEProgrammer, but the following error occurs. If anyone knows the cause, I would appreciate it if you could let me know. Error: STM32 target n...