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Dear all ! I in my project have 1 led was blink to know CPU still working, display TFT LCD ST7735. At the first time, led blinking as timer 3 interrupt, LCD can display all information. after i add ADC with DMA continuous mode, CPU hang, led didn't b...
Dear all!i need help, I try to fill Screen in Red, but can't. I download library from GitHub. I don't know how to fix it. i attach original library, i disable 1 line in C file. Pin PB7 control 1 led and it blink as my expect, can you help share me ho...
Dear all!Normally, Screen  will display in 305ms, the transfer to Screen1. In Main.C, bat_e will be calculated, if bat_e= true, will hide Screen and Screen1 and display Screen 2. can you share me how to do it.
Dear all!this is the first time i handle with STM32H7 series. in my project control ILI9488 by TouchGFX platform, 4 mosfets, 1 Led. in the first step, i try to blink a led at pin PB5 but seem unsuccess. i don't know how to fix, so can you share me my...
Dear all!I 'm handle a project using ST7735 with flatform is TouchGFX, in Set2 is ADC value from POT( from -85 to -55) i debug and monitor on Keil C, the value is correct, When i display it to Screen the value is "-?5", i don't how to fix it, please ...
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