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Hi,I am working on STM32MP133FAFx . I have integrated PMIC and getting 1.35V voltage to DDR.  I am using bare-metal environment without OSAlso configured required registers for DDR with below values for my hardware,DDR_MSTR 0x00040401DDR_MRCTRL0 0x00...
Hi,I am working on STM32MP133FAFx (I2C Master) for I2C communication with STPMIC1 IC (I2C slave) fast mode(400KHz) and HSI clock(64MHz). I2C->TIMINGR = 0x00C0216CFor writing data TXIS flag is getting send and I am writing the register but when trying...
Hi,I am working on STM32MP133FAFx (I2C Master) for I2C communication with STPMIC1 IC (I2C slave) fast mode(400KHz) and HSI clock(64MHz). I2C->TIMINGR = 0x00C0216CI am trying polling method in bare-metal environment for communication in I2C.Below is m...
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